Amazing Skin – From The Inside Out – BioCosmediq

Welcome to a new classic, the skin bible Amazing Skin, which through a holistic approach to the body will help you understand and treat various skin concerns. With holistic understanding, the person is treated a whole entity and the skin as just a small part of a bigger picture, which is why the body, mind and soul within holism are undeniably connected. Whether their importance is evenly divided is not known, that they mutually influence each other is scientifically proven.

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Welcome to a new classic, the skin bible Amazing Skin, which through a holistic approach to the body will help you understand and treat various skin concerns.

With holistic understanding, the person is treated a whole entity and the skin as just a small part of a bigger picture, which is why the body, mind and soul within holism are undeniably connected.

Whether their importance is evenly divided is not known, that they mutually influence each other is scientifically proven.

Throughout the book you will find examples of how the skin is affected under different circumstances and how it in itself can affect the function of other body systems such as the nervous, hormonal, immune and digestive systems.

Quite simply, the skin is more than just a barrier (it is an organ a fact that many do not know). We therefore go through everything from facial bones and muscles, skin anatomy and physiology, skin hormones, various organ systems set up against the skin, skin nutrition, skin diseases and anomalies, skin types, chemistry and product theory, massage techniques, special treatments, surgery, and other cosmetic and clinical interventions to micro-bio-hygiene.

The book is aimed at both future holistic skin therapist or already trained therapist, but also “skin nerds” who wants to learn and understand their own skin and acquire as much knowledge as possible about its health and beauty.

Enjoy your read!

Laura, Tanja & Sally

Release Date







Laura Bonné, Tanja Eskildsen & Sally Walker





Original language


About BioCosmediq

BioCosmediq Academy is a collaboration between Laura Bonné, Tanja Eskildsen and Sally Walker with the aim of creating Scandinavia’s leading holistic skin therapy education. The holistic skin therapy education consists of three semesters, which together give the title BioCosmediq Skin Therapist as well as the subtitles Bio-Cleanse Facialist, Bio-Active Facialist and Bio-Balance Facialist.

At BioCosmediq, we dream of a world where beauty equals health, and where natural skin care equals sustainable results. Therefore, the goal behind all our treatments is to promote skin health from within through lifestyle adjustments and from the outside through natural skin care that is both healthy for our skin and our planet.

Summary of chapters


We begin the book with the anatomy of the face, since we believe it is the best place to start. We need to know the anatomy of the face first to understand all that follows. The anatomy of the face is a combination of the soft parts that attach to the skeleton of the face, including the mimical muscles and the various layers of the skin – the epidermis, dermis, and subcutis.

Take a look at this chapter if you want to know which emotions and feelings create your mimical wrinkles.



Now that we’ve got the skin’s bones and muscles in place, it’s time to take a closer look at what covers and protects them. In this chapter we therefore go in depth with the anatomy and physiology of the skin. The skin is the body’s largest organ, and the tissue in the body that renews itself the fastest.

Two or more organs that work together create an organ system, from which the skin, together with hair and nails, forms the integumentary organ system.

The vital functions of the integumentary system are to protect, keep moisture inside and keep bacteria and irritants etc. out. At the same time, it possesses a range of supplementary functions such as excretion of water, regulation of body temperature, content of various sensory receptors and production of vitamin D.

The integumentary organ system is also affected by – and often interacts with – other of the body’s organ systems to create the best conditions for a healthy, strong and beautiful skin.

Browse this chapter if you are curious about which other organ systems affect the skin.



From the anatomy and physiology of the skin, we move on to the hormones of the skin. Hormones are messengers that dictate the activities of skin cells, where too much or too little will result in a symptom. The skin both affects – and is affected by a large number of hormones, which also affect each other internally.

Some hormones are produced directly in the skin cells and others in glands in various places in the body, which are transported to the skin.

The hormone balance is complex, and extremely important for the health of the body and also the appearance of the skin. Hormone disorders are one of the most obvious causes of both short-term and long-term skin problems.

Study this chapter closely if you are interested in what we are convinced will be the foundation of future skin treatments. TIP: Enjoy this chapter with a strong cup of matcha or coffee – it’s nerdy stuff!



The skin’s radiance is basically a result of the body’s general health, however some organ systems have a direct reflection in the skin, because the skin as an organ system cooperates with them. In this chapter, we take a closer look at these and in this connection how we can improve the health of the individual organ systems.

If you suffer from skin problems or recurring skin conditions, it may be a good idea to start by examining which other body parts and functions you find dysfunctional. By treating imbalances in one or more of the other systems, problems in the skin will be alleviated and often disappear completely.

Read this chapter if you are suffering from chronic skin conditions that your current skin care and facials have not yet solved.



The skin needs to receive and absorb essential nutrients, which come from the right, healthy and seasonal diet. Skin care products can help you along the way by adding the essential nutrients topically, but without the right dietary habits, it is almost impossible to achieve a fine and even complexion skin.

Wrinkles, serious skin problems and conditions can be significantly improved in just one month and in some cases disappear if you manage to stick to the right diet and care.

In this chapter, therefore, the focus is on the nutrients that we ingest through the diet.

Check out this chapter for our Skin-food pyramid. We think you will be surprised to see what forms the foundations of the pyramid! … And maybe also on the information on Anti-Nutrients.



There are several skin conditions, which manifest themselves in different symptoms and intensities. Some disorders are temporary and more or less correct themselves with good skin care, while others are or become chronic and need medical treatment.

The cause of the chronic skin disorders stems from a fundamental imbalance in the NIC or NICE organ system.

Use this chapter as a reference work to study the explanations and cause of various disorders ranging from rosacea to pigment changes. You can also look up the NIC and NICE organ system on page 117.



To achieve a fine, smooth, supple and pure skin with a beautiful glow, the daily skin care rituals play a crucial role. The properly composed care routine can create extremely positive results. However, if the skin is cared for incorrectly, you may experience problematic skin conditions.

The skin is alive, constantly renewing and changing. Caring for the skin, nourishing it both inside and out, will certainly benefit the skin and reap future results. Externally through conventional skin care, and internally through diet.

Refer to this chapter if you need a quick guide to internal and external skin care ingredients for your particular skin type.



Products and cosmetics have always been the first choice when it comes to skin care, and it’s hard to imagine talking about skin care without products. In this book, we have tried to expand the concept by introducing care through diet and balancing of the nervous and hormonal (endocrine) system. However, this does not mean that products and cosmetics are irrelevant. The best results are obtained by treating the skin holistically, and cosmetic preparations also have their relevance.

It is no secret that we have a penchant for natural and sustainable skin care, which comprises most of the chapter. However, it is important that you have knowledge over other types of skin care products that are currently used.

For the sake of clarity, the chapter is divided into three parts. In the first part, the different product categories are reviewed, as well as how the products are used. The second part is an ingredient index divided into different main areas and is intended as a reference, while the last part of the chapter deals with brands and product certifications.

Use this extensive reference chapter to study different skin care ingredients or if you want the truth about skincare preservatives.



Tension, stress, lack of sleep, sadness, worry, emotions, weakened immune system, poor diet and lifestyle leave their mark on our facial features. The muscles of the face are contorted, which settle as furrows and permanent lines, and over time develop into deep wrinkles.

Massage is a form of passive exercise/yoga for our skin, muscles and connective tissue. It is a magical and meditative tool against both physical and mental stress.
Massage can immediately change one’s physical well-being, recharge us mentally by releasing tension and preventing a visible aging of the facial features.

This chapter demonstrates that massage is not just massage and explains the difference between classic and modern facial massage techniques. You will also find a small DIY guide so you can feel the effect on your own skin.



There is a myriad of different cosmetic facials. As a client, you can experiment with the many different options, and often several methods can also be combined so that the overall treatment experience is “tailored” to your specific needs.

As a professional therapist, you must always make sure that you are well prepared and prioritize the necessary education or training in the various areas, just as you must select the professional suppliers when investing in approved and tested equipment and products that you want to use.

The techniques are effective at different levels, but common to them is that they are cosmetic skin care with no serious side effects. They must therefore not be considered or confused with other cosmetic and medical procedures.

Look through this chapter if you are curious about the most common and latest non-invasive skin treatments.



This chapter is written in collaboration with plastic surgeon, Louise Vennegaard, and cosmetic nurse, Ida Bille Brahe. The chapter should be seen as an informative section for you as a Skin Care and alternative therapist, and it is conceptually not an actual part of Holistic Skin Therapy.

Holistic skin care must not be confused with surgery, but in some cases, the surgical solution may be the right choice for the individual. It is serious decision-making process, which is why a period of reflection is also required by law.

Holistic skin care is by comparison a health-oriented lifestyle. The surgical chapter must be studied carefully and there can be serious side effects with any type of surgery. However, as a holistic skin therapist and skin nerd, it is important to stay currently informed about what is happening within the profession.

We believe it is important to know the various invasive procedures that exist; and the benefits and risks are associated.

Use this chapter if you need factual and honest knowledge about the various interventions.



Hygiene can be characterized as a practice that helps maintain health and prevent disease – especially through cleanliness. The word is derived from Greek mythology and the goddess Hygieia, associated with the prevention of disease and the maintenance of good health.

Hygiene is an important area when it comes to skin and beauty care. If you are struggling with bacterial or inflammatory skin conditions, it is important to maintain a high level of hygiene to prevent further spread of infection to surrounding skin tissues, which can easily aggravate skin conditions.

Read this chapter to know the rules for maintaining a good beauty hygiene in everyday life and to avoid further aggravation of skin problems, and to prevent the spread of infection by microorganisms and viruses.


We would like to acknowledge and thank the following people who have helped make this book possible:

  • Dermatologist Niels Bech-Thomsen for writing the chapter on skin diseases and for reviewing the book
  • Cand. scientific. ph.d. dr. Erik B. Simonsen for proof-reading the chapter on the anatomy and physiology of the skin
  • Plastic surgeon, Dr. Louise Vennegaard
  • Cosmetic nurse, Ida Bille Brahe
  • Patrick Pankalla for graphic design
  • Rikke Østergaard for publishing
  • Elisabeth Salcedo for photos
  • Oriol Angrill Jorda for anatomical illustrations of facial bones, muscles, lymphatic system and skin
  • Anne Bonné for illustrations of skin anomalies
  • Cilja Bach and Malou Bennedbæk for proof reading

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